At one of my first jobs back in the early 90s in Boston I heard about The Holy Tire Iron. A buddy of mine from work told me about this card that he found on The T that had a phone number and the words “The Holy Tire Iron”. When you called the number a guy named Reverend Ray would do a little intro then he would play messages that people left, at the end of every call was the chance to leave a new message. It was sort of an audio moblog. The very last thing that you would hear before the beep to leave a message was someone saying “when I was a child in school, there was a game we used to play”. If someone figured out the answer to that statement, presumably what the game was, then the Holy Tire Iron would be shut down, or something. For a few years while I worked crummy jobs I’d call this line for a little entertainment during the day. Suddenly one day, it was gone. I never found out what “the game” was.The Holy Tire Iron just popped into my head out of nowhere today. I did a search on Google and didn’t find much except for a clip from the Boston magazine SUBURBAN VOICE.
So I thought that I’d put this post out on the interwebs in case anyone remembers this and wants to comment about HTR or even better, let me know what the answer was to the question….
when I was a child in school, there was a game we used to play…
It was Joe Franklin and he liked to eat dirt. My buddy Joe Coughlin got me hooked on this in the late 90’s. He was obsessed with this page. Anyway, that’s how it went down.