To help you get geared up for tonight’s debate (typed that word with no quotes at all!) I give you these excerpts from John McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin. I want you to watch these and really think, this person, this person might actually be the President of the United States.
1. Seriously, you’re appeal is that you’re much younger than Biden? Then you top it off with a sports joke? Is she running for student council?
2. Apparently the confusing nature of a pizza place can mix up your foreign policy position.
3. Unable to name a single other Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade. But, to be fair I couldn’t either. So I guess that makes me qualified for VP as well.
4. Oh come on. She can’t name a single magazine or publication that she reads? Sarah, you know the questions only get harder from this point out right?
5. And if you’ve watched all of those you get todays bonus prize! Sarah Palin On Flute: Her Beauty Pageant Talent