Things that were enjoyable about the magical first winter snow storm this morning.

• Dragging my trash barrel and recycle bins out of the snow, and out of the street, having been hit by a plow.
• Getting wet mail out of the mailbox which had fallen half open during the night
• Enjoying the “where is the ice scraper” dance in my garage
• Followed closely by the “now where the @#$% are my gloves” dance
• Crawling at 5mph down the road towards the highway in a long line of traffic that simply does not exist on an average day
• Observing no less than 6 accidents on the way to work
• Observing an extra 45 minutes of travel on the way to work because of uncleared roads and the driving of the super confident and unconfident traversing them
• Steps out of car at coffee shop into deep puddle
• Chaos in the parking lot at work, as the loss of the white parking lot guidelines has rendered people incapable of understanding how to make a straight line.
• Gets out of car at work. Puts coffee cup on roof. Doesn’t realize that the roof has a thin layer of ice on it and watches coffee head towards the ground. Tries to freeze time Matrix-like and grab falling cup in mid air. Realizes that he’s not Neo, as he hits the cup, spilling coffee on hand, and most all over the side of the car.
• Enjoys a lovely 1/4 mile walk to the building with ice blowing sideways into my face
• Late for work, of course

Written by Bill

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