I’m getting more fired up by the day about peoples fear of “socialized medicine” when most have no idea what they’re talking about. And by that I mean that they are reciting rhetoric coming from the right about all the scary and horrible things that will happen under socialized medicine. It’s bull. And try to remember the last time this fear mongering got us into trouble, that time we called it WMDs. How’d that work out? If you haven’t experienced problems, severe problems with the healthcare system in the U.S. then you are one of the lucky ones and your “fair and balanced” research about the evils of socialized medicine should extend to the evils of capitalistic medicine. The following story is long but well worth the read and to be filed under the “I never thought it could happen to me, but it did” category.
How I lost my health insurance at the hairstylist’s
Too busy to read the story above? Then please enjoy these socialized programs available now in the United States: schools, police departments, fire departments, social security, medicare…