Was posed the question:
“What music is so bad that it enables your fight or flight reflex?”.
Well that’s a simple question with an easy answer isn’t it?
You say you don’t know the answer?
Is there something wrong with you?
The answer, of course, DUH, is Muscrat Love by The Captain and Tennille. I’d paste the lyrics here but I don’t want that sappy awfulness contaminating my meta data. Think you’re so tough? Try just reading the lyrics once or twice.
If you’ve completed that challenge, then lets move on to the advanced stage. Watch, and listen to the video below. NO STOPPING, NO BREAKS, and you CANNOT LOOK AWAY. God help you if you’re able to make it through.

Wait. I can’t let you do this. If you’re determined to go through with this at least get yourself an auditory chaser. Grab your iPod and at least 30 minutes of anything but soft rock. Put your headphones on immediately after the video ends, close the browser window, turn on your iPod and lets you and I ever speak of this again. Copasetic?

Written by Bill

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